
Multicultural Youth South Australia

MYSA is the state representative body for multicultural youth and young families, the only youth-specific multicultural organisation in South Australia, and one of two leading youth-specific multicultural organisations in the country. Our primary objective is to equip disadvantaged refugee/migrant youth and young families with the resources and opportunities they need to participate in the social and economic life of the community. We are involved in three key areas of work: (1) direct program delivery; (2) research, policy and advocacy; and (3) sector development and capacity building. We also own and operate the event management social enterprise, Miss MYSA Events (MME).

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Who are we?



What are we doing?

Strengthening Multicultural Families

This project is focussed on the therapeutic and outreach component of our FDV interventions. The funding will enable recruitment of a female psychologist who has appropriate expertise and experience in supporting refugee, migrant and asylum seeker young people who are either experiencing FDV, are at-risk, or who have recently left a violent family or partner relationship. MYSA's interventions have a strong outreach focus, particularly to deliver services to vulnerable communities in regional and remote South Australia.
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Where are we working?

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impact areas

What are our impact areas?

Justice & safety

Other areas of focus

What are our other impact areas?

Domestic & family violence

Social enterprise

Yirranma Place

Visit our precinct for social purpose.

Visit Yirranma Place