Version 1.0  |  Dated 31 August 2021

  1. The Paul Ramsay Foundation is  committed to addressing modern slavery in its business operations. This commitment extends to efficient, effective, economical and sustainable practices in all procurement activities in a manner that minimises and mitigates risks of modern slavery.
  2. The Paul Ramsay Foundation’s commitment to addressing modern slavery is aligned with its core values of respect for people, learning and curiosity, loyalty and courage and innovation. This policy also sets out the Paul Ramsay’s expectations for the conduct of its Direct Suppliers and Contractors.[1]
  3. Paul Ramsay Foundation approaches its commitment to address modern slavery through:
  1. Upholding internationally recognised human rights as set out in: The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; The International Labour Organisation’s Declarations on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.[2]
  2. Committing to meaningfully contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  3. Complying with all applicable laws and respecting internationally recognised human rights, in all areas of operation. In circumstances where this policy may establish higher standards than the law requires and addresses issues not covered by legislation, a Supplier is expected to voluntarily agree to abide by the additional higher standards and requirements set out in this Code.
  4. Operating in a manner consistent with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  5. Upholding the human rights of workers in their operations and supply chains and treat them with utmost dignity and respect.
  6. Undertaking an appropriate due diligence process to identify, prevent and mitigate the risks of modern slavery in Paul Ramsay Foundation’ business operations.
  7. Requiring its suppliers to exercise due diligence on relevant materials in their supply chain. In particular the development of due diligence policies and management systems to appropriately identify applicable modern slavery risks and take reasonable actions to mitigate them.  Some of these due diligence activities may include the completion of supplier self-assessment questionnaires, education and training and desktop and onsite auditing upon request.
  8. Requiring suppliers to provide an appropriate grievance policy and procedure for workers to report modern slavery and human rights grievances.
  9. Publishing an annual Modern Slavery Statement under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
  10. Continuing engagement with internal and external stakeholders in relation to modern slavery.
  1. In circumstances where the Paul Ramsay Foundation becomes aware that stakeholders (including suppliers) have not conducted themselves consistently with the terms of this policy, the Paul Ramsay Foundation reserves the right to terminate the agreement and/or relationship with the stakeholder.
  2. Grievances in relation to potential breach of this policy may be reported in accordance with the Paul Ramsay Foundation’s whistleblowing policy available on its website or from the HR department.

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[1] Direct Supplier means a supplier or service provider (whether natural person, corporation or other legal entity) with whom the Supplier has a direct contractual relationship (whether express or implied) and who forms part of the Suppliers supply chain and operations.  Subcontract means a supplier or service provider (whether natural person, corporation or other legal entity) who forms part of the Suppliers direct supply chains and operations other than a Direct supplier.

[2] The categories under the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work are: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced or compulsory labour, the abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in respect for employment and occupation.

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