This Privacy Policy describes how the Paul Ramsay Foundation collects, uses, holds and discloses personal information and sensitive information within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

This policy applies to the Paul Ramsay Foundation website and any other websites under the control of the Foundation (Website). We may update this Privacy Policy and, if we do, we will publish any updated policy on our Website.

1. Types of information we collect and hold

Personal and sensitive information

The Paul Ramsay Foundation collects personal information in the course of delivering its programs and services, and for the purposes of communicating with those interested in our work.

The most common circumstances in which we collect your personal information are:

  • When you sign up to receive email newsletters from us;
  • When you communicate with us through our Website or register for an account on our Website;
  • When you participate in surveys, panels, or research;
  • When you register for and participate in our events, programs, activities and initiatives;
  • When you request information or assistance;
  • When you participate with social media accounts of the Paul Ramsay Foundation;
  • When you provide user-generated content on any part of the Website that permits it; and
  • In conjunction with any other place on the Website or activity of the Paul Ramsay Foundation where you volunteer personal information.

Depending on the information that is provided, the types of personal information we collect may include a person’s name, gender, occupation, educational qualifications, contact details, date of birth, associations with other organisations such as employers or tertiary institutions as relevant, photographs and videos.

We will normally collect this personal information directly from the person, but it may be collected from a third party such as a grantee who is delivering a program or service under a grant agreement with us.

We do not generally collect sensitive information unless it is relevant to the specific program or service, and the person has provided their consent. On occasion, sensitive information may be collected from a third party such as a grantee where they are delivering a program or service under a grant agreement with us.

Website and digital information

In general, you can browse our Website without submitting your personal information to us.

We collect metadata relating to website usage, including by using cookies, for the purpose of improving our communications activities. A cookie is a small summary file containing a unique ID number sent to your computer that enables us to recognise your computer each time you visit our website.

The types of information collected include a person’s server address, domain name or IP address, the date, time and duration of the visit, the pages accessed, and documents downloaded, and other information.

When you interact with a Paul Ramsay Foundation page or account on a social media platform, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube, or when you use your social media account or credentials to log in to our Website, we may also collect the personal information that you make available to us on that page or through that account, including your account ID or “handle.”

We use Google Analytics to collect information regarding how people use our Website. Google Analytics uses both first person and third-party cookies to record standard internet traffic information and the information is used by us to understand how people use our website.

We may also use other analytics services to understand how visitors reach our Website, including from social media platforms and email newsletters, usage patterns on our Website, and visitors’ social media profiles.

If a person does not wish to receive any cookies they may set their browser to refuse cookies. However, this may impact on website functionality and the services provided to them.

Email newsletters

We may use your information to send you information about our activities in an email newsletter. You have the option to unsubscribe from our newsletter and other email communications.

Use and disclosure of information

The Paul Ramsay Foundation will not use or disclose personal information or sensitive information for any secondary purpose, unless the following applies:

  • that secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose for which the personal information or sensitive information was collected;
  • the person would reasonably expect the use or disclosure; or
  • the person consents to the use or disclosure.

For example, we may collect personal information in relation to an enquiry you have made about one of our projects. We might use and disclose this information to a third party who is delivering that project in partnership with us so that we can respond to your enquiry.

We may use or disclose this information for the purposes of delivering our programs and services and in the ordinary course of our business, including for the purpose of planning, research, marketing, or assessing the efficacy or impact of our programs or services.

2. Storage and security of information

The Paul Ramsay Foundation will take reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information or sensitive information we collect is held in a secure format and protected from loss and misuse, as well as unauthorised access, modification, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. The information may be held either in hard copy or electronically.

We will hold the information we collect on systems managed and maintained by us and/or our third-party cloud storage service provider who may create a backup of our data and store that backup overseas.  Any such backups of the data may be held in the United States of America, Canada, Singapore, the UK or within the European Economic Area. Otherwise, we do not, generally, disclose personal information to recipients outside of Australia.

3. Retention and destruction of personal and sensitive information

The Paul Ramsay Foundation will destroy or de-identify personal and sensitive information as soon as practicable once it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected.  We will take reasonable steps and use appropriate techniques and processes in destroying information.

4. Access

People have a right to request access to personal or sensitive information held about them, and to request its correction. Requests for access to personal information or sensitive information held by the Paul Ramsay Foundation may be made by contacting the address below. If it is information that a person is entitled to access, we will endeavour to provide it to them in a suitable way (e.g. by email or mail). We may charge a fee to cover our administrative costs in providing the information.

Requests may also be made that we update or amend information we hold about a person; we will either amend the information, or make a record of the request, as appropriate.

5. Questions and feedback

Questions or feedback about this policy should be directed to:

Privacy Officer
(02) 8582 4001

We commit to respond in a timely manner.  

If we receive a complaint about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, we will advise what (if any) action we consider appropriate to take in response or if we do not agree, we will provide reasons. If the complaint is not handled to the satisfaction of the person making the complaint, they can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (

Last updated: February 2022