The Paul Ramsay Foundation is committed to helping build an Australia where there is equitable opportunity for all people and communities to thrive.

An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice is a vital step toward achieving this vision, and we are proud to support the Yes campaign in the upcoming referendum.

We are supporting the Yes campaign because we have listened to the voices of First Nations communities, articulated through the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which followed a long process of engagement and consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The best outcomes emerge when the voices of those affected are heard. As a philanthropic funder working with First Nations-led organisations and programs around the country, we believe that an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice is vital for stronger communities, and for a stronger nation.

We believe Voice will improve the self-determination, agency, and outcomes for First Nations peoples for generations to come. We urge all Australians to listen, engage and support this important step in our nation’s journey.

As one of Australia’s largest philanthropic funders, the Foundation is conscious of our obligations under the ACNC’s Governance Standards. We believe we have complied with these in making a donation to the Yes campaign.

Consistent with our charitable purpose to advance social and public welfare, the Foundation is supporting a registered charity advocating for establishing a Voice to Parliament as a vital step toward addressing disadvantage experienced by First Nations people.

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