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Philanthropy welcomes the Budget announcements from the Australian Government in support of The Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children: a cross-sector collaboration to improve the wellbeing of children, young people, and their families, by working with Australian communities to reduce intergenerational disadvantage.

We are proud to be working in partnership on this important initiative. In addition to the Budget commitments made by Government, philanthropy will contribute $100m over the next four years to begin the Investment Dialogue, as we work towards a ten-year commitment of sustained investment, innovation and reform efforts. All partners have a shared vision of contributing towards an inclusive and equitable Australia where all children, families and communities can fulfill their aspirations.

Paul Ramsay Foundation CEO Professor Kristy Muir welcomed the opportunity for philanthropy and government to work together over the long term to ensure children and families can thrive, no matter their postcode or circumstances of birth.

“We know that to make a difference, we must work differently: collaborating across sectors and government, in partnership with and led by communities, and in ways that empower children and families. We’re proud to be working with Government and our philanthropic peers. We will be drawing on evidence, the knowledge of service providers on the ground, and those with lived experience of the issues we're aiming to address to ensure a better future for Australia’s children,” Professor Muir said.

The Bryan Foundation’s Executive Director Matthew Cox said the Dialogue recognised many local communities were already showing the way with innovative and effective approaches and programs focusing on children.

“This is about bringing extra firepower to those efforts, adding value to them and listening to local people about what will make the biggest difference in their communities,” Mr Cox said.

“We see an enormous opportunity in taking a more cohesive approach towards the services that are currently delivered – seeing where the successes and challenges are, working with communities to improve support for local families and also taking the lessons from that experience to inform work in other places. This partnership has the potential to transform the lives of tens of thousands of children across our country.”

The Ian Potter Foundation CEO Paul Conroy said the Investment Dialogue would support systemic change, helping create a more integrated approach to supporting families.

“This is not just about aligning and maximising our investment into programs and projects, it’s about working in place in genuine partnership with communities to build on their strengths and leverage their insights to inform policy and system level changes.”

“Everybody wants to see Australia’s children thriving, but we are missing out on the potential to make meaningful headway, in part, because we are going about it in disconnected ways. The Investment Dialogue is about better coordinating systems and investments by putting community and children at the centre,” Mr Conroy said.

Over the coming months, Government and philanthropy will work with sector and community leaders to design and establish the Investment Dialogue processes. This work will be conducted with a dedicated convener within ARACY — Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth. To stay informed, go to: www.investmentdialogue.org.au

Investment Dialogue founding philanthropic partners include:

  • Besen Family Foundation
  • Cages Foundation
  • Dusseldorp Forum
  • RM Ansett Trust (as managed by Equity Trustees)
  • Fogarty Foundation
  • Gold Coast Hospital Foundation
  • Hand Heart Pocket
  • Minderoo Foundation
  • Paul Ramsay Foundation
  • Philanthropy Australia
  • Stan Perron Charitable Foundation
  • The Berg Family Foundation
  • The Bryan Foundation
  • The Ian Potter Foundation
  • The John Villiers Trust
  • Tim Fairfax Family Foundation
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