How we work

Our approach

With organisations and communities, we invest in, build, and influence the conditions needed to stop disadvantage in Australia.

We work alongside people and organisations across sectors and communities to change policies and programs, where resources go, and hearts and minds. We seek to support innovation, are evidence-informed and measure what matters.


We grant and invest in communities and organisations across Australia, funding early exploration to substantial investment.

Our philanthropic funding extends beyond traditional grant-making to impact investing.

To date we've granted around $1 billion to more than 200 partners, and invested $140 million in a portfolio of impact investments.


We are committed to building insights, data, and knowledge in the areas where we're working, while also building capability within the organisations we partner with.


As one of Australia's largest philanthropic foundations, we are uniquely positioned to use our platform to amplify other voices. We aim to positively influence policy and outcomes through collaboration and advocacy.

Working alongside people in places, we shift conditions for a future where people and places have what they need to thrive.

Our strategic intent

Australian Communities Foundation
Conscious Investment Management Social Housing Fund
Rainbow Lodge
Gujaga Foundation
Just Reinvest NSW
The Matilda Centre (The University of Sydney)
Uniting NSW.ACT
The Smith Family
Weave Youth & Community Services

Working together to drive positive change

Changing the conditions that create disadvantage is complex work and isn’t the role of any one organisation. As just one in player in the ecosystem working to create positive, intergenerational change, PRF works side by side with philanthropic peers, organisations and communities to make a difference.

Our partners

Asking questions and inspiring change

The PRF Fellowship Program is designed to support innovative research ideas with the potential to fill key knowledge and practice gaps and create meaningful change.
The Fellows' research and networks create opportunities to share evidence-informed solutions and recommendations with those who can translate them into
meaningful action.

PRF Fellows